Author: Paige Dahlman, Account Success Manager

3 tips to help non actors on camera

3 Tips to Help Non-Actors Ace On-Camera Interviews

Helping non-actors get comfortable in front of a video camera can make all the difference when it comes to a successful interview. Their voice is cracking, they’re avoiding eye contact and giving unenthusiastic answers. These are just some (of the many) potential outcomes of interviewing people on camera who are not actors.  No matter who you are, it’s nerve-wracking to be in a literal spotlight. Even professional actors must learn to manage stage fright. Working in the video production space, we see this frequently and it is our job to help people navigate it and feel more comfortable on camera.  Thankfully, there are a handful…

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5 Tricks to Extend the Life of Your Video Content

5 Tricks to Extend the Life of Your Video Content

With most of the world in lockdown, our ability to film new video content has been temporarily nixed. On top of that, many companies are reducing their marketing spend. This time has forced us and many other companies to dive back into our content libraries. Repurposing, Reusing, Rethinking:Learn how repurposing and reusing content can help you stretch your marketing budget.Get the White Paper For us, that means reinvigorating existing content and pre-existing footage. In 15 years of business, Outlier has amassed extensive video footage that we can recycle for new marketing purposes. It’s not just a second resort. It can--and should--be a strategic tool to…

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3 Step Plan

3-Step Plan for Effective Communications in Times of Need

How do you effectively plan to communicate and market your business in times of crisis? Every company has been asking themselves this as we navigate these unchartered waters. We all want to make sure that we are communicating effectively to customers, vendors, employees, and friends. While the tasks have changed and the urgency has increased, the method by which we strategically communicate remains the same. When confronted with a problem, whether a small one or one on the scale of a pandemic, it is helpful to break out your needs into stages.  Step 1: Define Immediate Communication Needs Priorities should center around consistent, clear communication…

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what makes explainer video great

What Makes An Explainer Video Great?

If you work in animation and video production you have almost certainly been asked, “Do you make explainer videos?” We see them as TV commercials, sprinkled throughout social media, and prominently displayed on the homepages of business’ websites. It’s a style of video that is a mainstay for the category, but some of its undefined features leave viewers wanting more.  Many companies fall into the trap of using an explainer video to commonly state a problem and provide a passive solution. They overspend on visuals when really they should be using their budgets on “extensive research on what visitors want to see, and deliver[ing] it…

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It Costs How Much?? Understanding the Cost of Music in Video

Using several seconds of Pharrell’s “Happy” for a company recruiting video? That’ll cost you. And we’re not talking about a televised commercial. That is for any video that is not for personal use.  Companies often forget just how much goes into making a marketing video, from the storyboards to the actual filming to the final selection of music and sounds. The latter is often forgotten about until the last minute, yet it shouldn’t be... because it can cost you! Using even a couple seconds of a song can be expensive. If you’re clipping a song by a lesser-known artist in a video, that may only…

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Virtual Work: Tips for Being On Camera

Few people enjoy being under a spotlight. Especially a literal one. With the recent crisis causing a strong push to work from home, more and more people will have to get used to seeing themselves on camera. It may not be recorded for playback, but at the very least, it is visible to the viewer.  As a video content company, we’ve done our fair share of interviewing people on camera. And with that comes a whole bunch of awkwardness--fidgeting with their fingers, stumbling over words, and forgetting answers to simple questions. It is often cringe-worthy to watch yourself on camera, but there are some simple…

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The 4 Key Ingredients of Great Customer Care

In 2020, companies are underperforming if they don’t have positive customer relationships. This happens consistently in the B2C market—think back to United’s customer dragging scandal after overbooking a flight. At least to consumers, these companies do not appear to be asking, how do we best care for our customers? And, it’s costing them.  Outlier’s business model is built on relationships and delivering mutually beneficial results, so we are forced to ask and answer this often. We’ve boiled customer success down to four key ingredients: clarity, accountability, growth, and of course, respect.  Clarity Happiness is when expectations meet—or exceed—reality. This mantra, while perhaps a lofty generalization…

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