Tag: video production

3 tips to help non actors on camera

3 Tips to Help Non-Actors Ace On-Camera Interviews

Helping non-actors get comfortable in front of a video camera can make all the difference when it comes to a successful interview. Their voice is cracking, they’re avoiding eye contact and giving unenthusiastic answers. These are just some (of the many) potential outcomes of interviewing people on camera who are not actors.  No matter who you are, it’s nerve-wracking to be in a literal spotlight. Even professional actors must learn to manage stage fright. Working in the video production space, we see this frequently and it is our job to help people navigate it and feel more comfortable on camera.  Thankfully, there are a handful…

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How ‘SNL At Home’ Round 2 Showed Us Video Production Matters

Like the rest of us, the cast and crew of Saturday Night Live was thrown a major curveball by the COVID-19 virus. Though the show was scheduled to return from hiatus March 28, New York’s March 24 executive order completely shut down production for several weeks.  And, much like the rest of us, SNL was forced to adapt to this new ‘normal’ as quickly as possible, resulting in the heroic, if comedically uneven, “SNL At Home” episode that aired April 11th. Shot primarily using Zoom video conferencing software, the episode turned cast members into their own ‘one man band’, the results of which could only…

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3 Ways Video Will Make YOU a More Effective Leader

Strong leadership is crucial for a successful and profitable business. Everyone knows this, and everyone preaches it. But do these claims reflect reality? 58% of managers claim they have received no management training (CareerBuilder).58% of employees say they trust strangers more than their boss (Harvard Business Review).According to Gallup, as many as 70% of workers aren’t engaged at work. I could go on with these shocking-not-so-shocking statistics that paint a rather unenthusiastic portrait of corporate America, but the bottom line is that most workplaces are lacking in some major ways. If you're looking to connect with your teams, increase employee productivity and create greater job…

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Outlier Jumpcut: Gladys Bikes

Biking is a pretty big thing here in Portland, so is female empowerment. Mix the two together and you get Gladys Bikes! Please enjoy our latest Outlier Jumpcut.  Visit the shop: http://gladysbikes.com/ https://youtu.be/Lv8o-iUI3p0

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Does Your Video Connect to Your Goals? Four Simple Questions to Ask Before Your Next Video

Video marketing has been getting more sophisticated for a while now, but it seems like over the past year or so a major shift has happened as more companies have begun to add video as a line item in their marketing budgets. Now, don't get us wrong. We LOVE video as much as (ok, you got us, maybe more than) the next creative communications agency. But while we support video production and video marketing down to the bottoms of our dainty little toes, we have to admit we're at odd ends with some of the video that's being produced today. The problem is, a lot…

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