Author: betheoutlier

Webinar: How Does Video Improve SEO? Get A Lot in a Little Time!

Off2On eCommerce Webinar Series Programed by Above the Fray in Portland OR. Speakers, Anna Madill, Ben Friedle, Ben Herman, and host Jessica Kienzle. "Offline to Online 20/20, a no-fluff eCommerce series for Growth" is all about leveling up your B2B eCommerce. In this episode, we'll cover everything you need to create a healthy relationship between your website and search engines (ok mostly Google with its +/-90% market share). Jessica Kienzle, Digital Manager at Above the Fray hosts the 5th installment of the series as we tackle SEO for your eCommerce and B2B sites. Outlier's own Ben Friedle put some brain-busting thought into creating a dense…

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New White Paper: Changes With Workplace Wellness

Today, businesses must find new ways to foster wellness and address new threats to employees’ mental, emotional, and physical health. In our newest white paper, we’ll explore how the COVID-19 crisis has affected workers’ health and how video can be used as an effective tool to engage distanced workers and help them improve their health and mental resiliency. What's Included A look at the history of corporate wellness programs in the USNew challenges created by COVID-19 and working from homeImportant ways video and other virtual tools can keep employees engaged Read the full white paper, "How COVID-19 Has Changed Workplace Wellness" online or download the…

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what makes explainer video great

What Makes An Explainer Video Great?

If you work in animation and video production you have almost certainly been asked, “Do you make explainer videos?” We see them as TV commercials, sprinkled throughout social media, and prominently displayed on the homepages of business’ websites. It’s a style of video that is a mainstay for the category, but some of its undefined features leave viewers wanting more.  Many companies fall into the trap of using an explainer video to commonly state a problem and provide a passive solution. They overspend on visuals when really they should be using their budgets on “extensive research on what visitors want to see, and deliver[ing] it…

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COVID-19 Update: We Are Here to Help

Here We Stand First and foremost, we are following the recommended precautions to help reduce the impact on hospitals, the elderly, and the sick. During this time we are determined to promote positive morale and reduce anxiety, and now would like to help amplify necessary communications. Each one of us has anxiety but can’t let it arrest us. We have friends and family facing the virus head-on by providing medical support, manufacturing materials, or staffing for necessary retail stores. We want to be of support and one way we can do so is in our role of media professionals. If you need a message prepared…

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The Lies of Wistia

Recently there has been a dramatic increase in video platform companies pushing the idea that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on video. In a recent campaign, Wistia, a video platform company,  asserts that it partnered with Sandwich Video to create three versions of the same video with different budgets: 1k, 10k, and 100k.  Wistia’s goal: to persuade its current and prospective clients (you) that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on video.  The messaging alone already bothered me, but I decided to do a little digging because those price points and the corresponding videos just did not match…

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NAB 2019: 8K and LED Screens

This year was my first year attending NAB on behalf of Outlier. After coming down from euphoria akin to that of a kid in a toy shop, I got down to the business of soaking up information. Here are some of the takeaways from the sessions and talks I attended (which in no way represents the whole of NAB … it’s a huge conference.) 8k: Yes, It’s Coming It’s already here, really. What I gleaned from this particular session was that 4k delivery systems are coming and that soon we are going to see a demand for shooting in 8k for a 4k end deliverable.…

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3 Ways Video Will Make YOU a More Effective Leader

Strong leadership is crucial for a successful and profitable business. Everyone knows this, and everyone preaches it. But do these claims reflect reality? 58% of managers claim they have received no management training (CareerBuilder).58% of employees say they trust strangers more than their boss (Harvard Business Review).According to Gallup, as many as 70% of workers aren’t engaged at work. I could go on with these shocking-not-so-shocking statistics that paint a rather unenthusiastic portrait of corporate America, but the bottom line is that most workplaces are lacking in some major ways. If you're looking to connect with your teams, increase employee productivity and create greater job…

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Outlier Jumpcut: Gladys Bikes

Biking is a pretty big thing here in Portland, so is female empowerment. Mix the two together and you get Gladys Bikes! Please enjoy our latest Outlier Jumpcut.  Visit the shop:

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How To Create Interesting Photo Animations: Technique #3

The Double Exposure Effect Double exposure has been a popular effect in photography for a long time. So why not take it to video? For this effect, you’ll need: A high res portrait photoStock video of scenery or an object that isn’t too busySome skill with photoshop Isolate your subject. Take your portrait photo and bring it into photoshop. You’ll want to separate your subject from your background. If you’ve read the other tutorials in this series, then you know my favorite method for isolating objects. But just in case, here are the steps: 1. Use the quick selection tool to select your object…

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