Tag: Portland

Outlier Turns 15!

Outlier is now 15 years old! What a reason to celebrate our clients and this team. For us, the journey is definitely the destination. We have been incredibly fortunate to be able to employ ourselves in the pursuit of creative industry. The community in Portland has been great to us. We have been able to document so much of our community and to create work that our team is passionate about. Having worked with over 200 businesses in the past 15 years, Outlier has had a unique opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at how these companies operate and what makes them successful.…

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The Hammond B3 Organ Sound is Hard to Describe

The Hammond B3 organ sound is hard to describe, but it feels something like being surrounded by the music. When you hear it in a club or intimate setting it becomes a centerpiece, like listening to many voices live. It creates so much texture and support for musicians and the crowd that I often say it's my favorite sound. We reached out to Louis Pain and asked if he would give us a tour of the B3 and he graciously hosted us at his “Man Cave”, where we filmed for hours and talked all things B3, from its inventors and innovators to just straight up…

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