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Using Video for Enhancing Customer Experience and Employee Training

Video Training and Retail: Video for Customer & Employee Safety Outlier is keeping a close eye on the retail industry. Today, we released a new report on creating an engaging in-store experience, and using video to improve retail training. What's included: Current State of the Industry3-Step Approach to Training, Driving in-Store Traffic, and Engaging with CustomersInspiration for Providing Your Own One-of-a-Kind in-Store Experience View the report, "Effective Use of Video for Retail Training, In-Store Communications, and Consumer Engagement" online or download a copy at the link below. Get the Full ReportThe full report is now available for download. Get it Now

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The 4 Key Ingredients of Great Customer Care

In 2020, companies are underperforming if they don’t have positive customer relationships. This happens consistently in the B2C market—think back to United’s customer dragging scandal after overbooking a flight. At least to consumers, these companies do not appear to be asking, how do we best care for our customers? And, it’s costing them.  Outlier’s business model is built on relationships and delivering mutually beneficial results, so we are forced to ask and answer this often. We’ve boiled customer success down to four key ingredients: clarity, accountability, growth, and of course, respect.  Clarity Happiness is when expectations meet—or exceed—reality. This mantra, while perhaps a lofty generalization…

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How to Create a Customer Loyalty Program that’s Worth the Trouble

"Customer loyalty programs--do they really work?" That’s a question we often get from businesses looking to find ways to maximize the relationship they have with their current customer base or considering a new program to  entice a flurry of new customers. But beyond a generally common sense approach that says “Well yes, certainly I’d like to have more repeat customers,” there is plenty of research to back up the idea that keeping your current customers is worth the effort. A recent blog article from Kissmetrics cites research from Invesp Consulting that shows existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend about…

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